Enseñanza Bilingüe en Infantil y Primaria

8 nov 2012

Classroom Interventions


  • Sit Up - Instruct students how to sit and how to orient their bodies or position themselves in a way that will maximize their ability to focus.
  • Lean Forward - Tell students to lean slightly toward the person who is speaking.
  • Ask and Answer Questions - Encourage the students to be active by asking questions about the information being presented.
  • Nod Your Head - When the speaker makes a statement or asks a question, students should practice nonverbal responses such as head nods, raised eyebrows, or thumbs-up.
  • Track the Speaker - Inform students that they want to constantly track and watch the speaker’s movements, hand motions, and non-verbal cues. Much of a speaker’s message is delivered nonverbally.

Twenty-Three Classroom Interventions
By Jim Fay

These easy-to-use classroom management techniques allow teachers to maintain classroom
control while they effectively handle even the most troublesome classroom behaviors.
1. Give the student the “evil eye”.
2. Walk toward the student.
3. Stand close to the student.
4. Eye contact and a shake of the head indicating “No”.
5. A gentle hand upon the shoulder of the student.
6. A statement indicating disfavor.
7. Change the student’s location.
8. Statement of misplaced behavior.
9. Using an I-message.
10. Teacher sets limits by describing what he/she allows/does, or provides, without telling the
students what to do about it.
11. Provide choices.
12. Removing the student from the group to time-out.
13. Requiring student to fill in a form during time-out before he/she can return to the group.
14. Student is excused to the office for a short “cooling off” period. No counseling is requested of
the administrator.
15. Give the student an appointment to talk about the problem.
16. Restricting the student from the area of his/her infraction until a new plan of action is
identified and written out by the student.
17. Student is restricted from the area of the infraction until the adults feel that another try is in
order. The student then returns to the area on a day to day basis.
18. Providing a natural or logical consequence with empathy.
19. Student makes an “informational telephone call” to his/her parents to describe the problem
and his/her plans for improvement. Teacher calls first without student’s knowledge to alert
parent and seek support.
20. Student writes an “informational letter” to parents describing his/her actions or problems
with plans for improvement. Letter is to be signed and returned and is the student’s ticket to
return to class.
21. An appointment is made with the administrator for consultation. The teacher, administrator,
and student form a team to discuss possible solutions.
22. A parent conference is held. This includes parent, teacher, administrator, and student.
23. Student is suspended from school until a parent conference is held.

For additional ideas on building cooperative teacher-student relationships, applying Enforceable
Statements in the classroom, and managing behavior as you teach, listen to Jim Fay’s CD, “Quick
and Easy Classroom Interventions.” To purchase, call 1-800-338-4065 or visit
Jim Fay is cofounder of the Love and Logic®
 Institute in Golden, CO, and coauthor of the bestselling book, “Teaching with Love and Logic”. For more information about Love and Logic
parenting and teaching techniques, call 1-800-338-4065 or visit www.loveandlogic.com.

Procedure for getting students' attention

"Give Me Five!"

  • Eyes on speaker
  • Be quiet
  • Be still
  • Hands free
  • Listen


Its easy to teach your child this five-step problem solving strategy. My favorite version of this simple skill goes something like this. . .
  1. Ask yourself, "What is the problem?"
  2. Think up three possible solutions (options) to the problem.
  3. Look at each option for a minute. Ask yourself, "Is this a good move or a bad move?"
  4. Pick what you think would be the best option or solution.
  5. Try it out and see if it works.


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