- E-Learning Curve Blog - blog about all matters concerning e-learning and technology in education
- Teachnet Blog
- 2c Worth - David Warlick gives his 2c Worth on topics on Information Technology in education
- Learning 2 Go - Blog and Podcast
- Edublogs Campus - create your own edublogs
- E-Learning Ireland - blog on e-learning news in Ireland
- The Interactive White Board Guru - for those who have or are thinking of investing in a Smart Board
- Interactive Multimedia Technology Blog - ICT blog with an interest in IWB’s
- Teachers Love Smart Boards - Blog for those with a Smartboard IWB
- My Languages - of interest to those teaching Modern Foreign Languages (MFL’s) in the primary school
- 21 Classes - Free Education and Classroom Blogs
- CESI Blog - Computer Education Society of Ireland
- ICT in Ireland
- Education in Ireland
- Anseo Blog - news on technology in Ireland especially on IWB’s
- Integrating ICT into the MFL Classroom - ICT and Modern Foreign Languages
- Once Upon a Blog - An E-Twinning Project Between Ireland and Malta
- The Cool Cat Teacher Blog
- Using ICT in Further Education
SEN Blogs
- Teaching Learners With Multiple Special Needs - Resources and ideas for teachers of learners with special needs
- Gifted Kids – support for Gifted Education in Ireland
- Hammie’s Blog – personal experience blog on autism
- Special Education Teacher In Washington D.C.
- About.com - Special education
- Special Education Law Blog – US-based blog but still may be of interest
- Irish Deaf Kids
- Paces – blog for parents of children with SEN especially Cerebral Palsy
- HE Special - Home Educating children with SEN
- Surviving the Special Educational Needs System
- Suite 101 Blog – section on SEN
- Prufrock Press - Blog on Gifted Education
50 herramientas gratuitas para crear materiales didácticos on line
14 oct
Do you remember the storytelling we had at school the 22nd March? Do you remember the Gruffalo? It has terrible claws, terrible tusks, terrible teeth in his terrible jaws…It’s the gruffalo, gruffalo, gruffalo… I´M SCARED!!!!!BRRRRRR
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Ver también generadores de tarjetas de vocabularioGeneradores de vídeos, carteles y pósters
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Ver también aplicaciones web gratuitas para dibujar, colorear y construir.http://iherga.blogspot.com/2010/04/mas-de-150-herramientas-gratuitas-para.html